
Environmental Management

Environmental Management > Promotion System

Promotion System

The Group has established a Central Environmental Committee(with regular meetings twice a year and extraordinary meetings as necessary), chaired by an officer appointed by the Chief Environmental Officer (President), to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations and to promote environmental protection. Under the supervision of the CSR and Sustainability Committee (chaired by an external director), which is an advisory body to the Board of Directors, the Central Environmental Committee checks the progress of Eco Vision 2030 and the Group's environment-related issues in order to ensure continuous improvement.

In FY2023, the Central Environmental Committee held two meetings to report on and discuss the progress of Eco Vision 2030, non-compliance issues from internal audits, addressing soil and groundwater contamination risks, and the progress and future plans of the roadmap for addressing climate change. In order to achieve Eco Vision 2030, Each internal company is expected to manage its own targets on items relevant to business activities. Meanwhile, we take the initiatives to such activities as compliance of regulations, raising environmental awareness, and communication with local society mainly on the regional basis in accordance with action plans. In addition, various working groups are set up as the cross-functional team across the internal company to address specialized issues such as carbon neutrality, energy conservation and chemical substances.

Environmental Activity Promotion Organization

The Establishment Status of our Environmental Management System

We received ISO 14001 multi-site certification for Niterra and 10 group companies (As of the end of FY2023) in Japan. As for other domestic and overseas Group companies, one domestic and 16 overseas Group companies (as at the end of FY2023) have obtained ISO 14001 certification through individual company certification.
The proportion of ISO 14001 certification in the Group is 96% as a percentage of employees.

ISO14001 Certified Locations

Certification covering multiple units (Scope of applicability)

Country Name of factories and companies
Japan Niterra Co., Ltd. Headquarter
Nagoya Plant
Komaki Plant
Satsuma Plant
Ise Plant
Inuyama Logistics Center
SparkTec WKS CO., LTD. Head Office Plant
Nagoya Plant
Satsuma Plant
Satsuma Electrode Plant
Nino Headquarters Plant
Tono Plant
Okusa Plant
NTK CERAMIC CO., LTD. Komaki Plant
Iijima Plant
Kani Plant
Ise Branch room
Nakatsugawa Plant
Komaki Office
Ise Plant
NTK CERATEC CO., LTD. Komaki Plant
Takenami Plant
NTK Medical CO., LTD.

Certification obtained individually

Country Name of factories and companies
Japan NTK CERATEC CO., LTD. Sendai Plant, Sendai West Plant
U.S.A. Niterra North America, Inc. WV Plant
Wells Vehicle Electronics,L.P
Mexico Niterra Mexico, S. A. de C. V.
Brazil Niterra do Brasil Ltda
France Niterra France SAS
U.K. Niterra UK Ltd.
Germany Niterra EMEA GmbH
Thailand Siam Niterra Co., Ltd.
Niterra (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Niterra ASIA Co., Ltd.
Malaysia Niterra Malaysia Berhad
China Niterra(Shanghai)Co., Ltd.
Niterra(Changshu)Co., Ltd.
Indonesia PT Niterra Mobility Indonesia
India Niterra India Private Limited
South Africa Niterra South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Initiatives for Environmental Risk

Inherent in business activities are various risks including environmental incidents and pollution. Niterra Group identifies these risks and endeavors to reduce and/or prevent them.

Soil and groundwater investigation and response

The Group conducts necessary surveys in accordance with the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Law. In addition, as part of its environmental management, the Group has been conducting voluntary surveys of groundwater contamination at its plant site boundaries on a regular basis since FY2022. In the event that hazardous substances exceeding the standards of the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Law are detected, we promptly report the matter to the administrative authorities and implement appropriate measures in accordance with their guidance.

Information is also disclosed on the news site of our website.

PCB Control

PCB waste stored at our Nagoya Plant and Komaki Plant were disposed of in 2018, but we conducted the survey again after receiving government information of cases of high-concentration PCB waste found in 2021. As a result, new PCB waste was discovered and disposed of last fiscal year.
PCB waste is often rediscovered after a simultaneous survey, the Group will continue to conduct surveys in the future.

In FY2022, we disposed of the PCB waste stored at the Ceramic Sensor Nakatsugawa Plant of our group company.

Drills for Emergency Situations

We hold regular drills for emergency situations to prepare for unforeseen accidents, etc. Each department identifies potential environmental accidents to prevent associated adverse environmental impacts.

Training for a resin drain leak
(CERAMIC SENSOR CO., LTD.. Nakatsugawa Plant)

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

Implementation of Environmental Measurements

To ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations as well as agreements with local municipalities, we conduct environmental measurements based on strict voluntary standards.
Air, water, noise, and vibration measurements are conducted on a regular basis to prevent legal violations and complaints.

Handling Violations and Complaints in Fiscal 2023

In FY2023, there were no violations of laws and regulations, no accident and one complaint. We promptly took action to address the violations and complaints to prevent recurrence.

  Company Situation Countermeasures
Complaint NTK CERAMIC CO., LTD. At the Iijima Plant, we received a noise complaint. The exhaust motor bearing was defective and was replaced and repaired. In addition, a soundproofing sheet was installed to prevent the exhaust noise from diffusing.

Environmental Education

Environmental education is conducted to deepen employees’ understanding of environmental issues and raise their environmental awareness.
In addition to rank-specific education, we hold specialized education such as “Environmental management system”, “Calculation methods for substances with an environmental burden”, and “Environmental laws and regulations (for facilities). From FY2022, we are in the process of switching to a video viewing format for the purpose of efficient education tailored to the needs of our participants.

In order to make Eco Vision 2030 known to employees, we have launched an Eco Vision site on the intranet, and posted the background of setting Eco Vision 2030, the results obtained by achieving the Eco Vision goals, and requests to employees. We also regularly send out activity topics to our employees.

Environmental education(SparkTec WKS CO., LTD. Satsuma Plant)

Support for Suppliers

We offer our suppliers environmental education and support for establishing environmental management systems to acquire third-party certification.

EMS Third-Party Certification Support Conducted

Topic No. of Companies Attending (total sum)
ISO14001 6
Eco-Action 21 37