
Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health > Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Basic Philosophy

The Niterra Group has many employees in various locations around the world. We believe that it is our responsibility to make continuous efforts to protect the physical and mental health and safety of each and every employee. We contribute to society by providing our employees with a working environment conducive to mental and physical well-being so that employees can continue to work happily and comfortably.

Promotion System

With the aim of eliminating on-the-job injuries and creating a comfortable, safe work environment, we have established and implemented domestic occupational health and safety management system OHSMS (Occupational Health and Safety Management System). The company, headquarters, and the group companies in Japan set safety goals and safety plans in accordance with our OHSMS guidelines, aiming to conduct health and safety activities based on a “total involvement" principle. To attain a step-by-step improvement of our safety status, these progress and results of such OHSMS efforts are verified by our internal health and safety auditors as well as each health and safety committee and the central health and safety committee.

In FY 2021, our company acquired ISO 45001*1 certification, an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. From this time forward, the Niterra Group, including domestic and overseas group companies, will work on health and safety activities so that these companies can also acquire ISO 45001 certification.

*1:ISO 45001 is the first international standard for occupational health and safety management systems issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Health and Safety Promotion Organization

Health and Safety Targets and Results

From FY2023, in order to achieve the vision (or ideal state) and direction of our initiatives related to “occupational health and safety” and “health,” we set common targets for the Niterra Group, as well as individual targets for each internal company and Group company, and promote the implementation of the planned activities.

Vision and Direction of “Occupational Health and Safety” and “Health” Initiatives

Item Vision/Direction
Occupational Health and Safety
  • Developing “people” who can act safely
    Develop people who are aware of workplace risks and rules and who can act safely on their own.
  • Providing safe “work” conditions
    Promote risk reduction and management to provide safe work conditions for workers.
  • Creating a safe “working environment”
    Improve and maintain the working environment through work environment measurements and 5S activities.
  • “Health” of employees and their families
    Ensure that employees work in a comfortable working environment, and raise health awareness of employees and their families to help them maintain and improve their physical and mental health.

Niterra Group Health and Safety Targets for FY2023

Niterra Group Targets Indicator
  • Corrective action for nonconformance, and maintenance/management
Number of recurrences of nonconformance: 0

Targets & Results for Fiscal 2022

Item Health and Safety Targets Ideal Situation Evaluation
Health and Safety Person Promotion of “Po・Ke・Te・Na・Shi” Depending on the situation at each workplace, we carried out promotional activities for "Po-ke-te-na-shi."
Communicate hazards and risks We promoted risk assessment, which is the core of disaster prevention activities.
At each workplace, workers were informed about the hazards and risks of risk levels IV and III.
Implementation of traffic KYT (Kiken Yochi Training, or risk prediction training) In addition to driving a car, we conducted a transportation KYT that suited the transportation methods of the participating members.
Machine/ work Setting pointing and calling points for work procedures At each workplace, we set pointing and calling points for high-risk work and instructed employees to confirm safety before starting work.
Checking differences in operations between workers through safety observation We conducted safety observations of work and confirmed whether there were any differences in work methods between workers.
When differences in work methods were found, we investigated the cause and reviewed work procedures.
Working environment Improvement of management category III, II, maintenance of the management I category Based on the results of working environment measurements, we implemented improvements to suppress the generation of hazardous substances and noise and reduce the amount of exposure to workers.
Health Implementation of measures against life-style related diseases Each organization held seminars to promote employee health and overtime management.
Implementation of mental health measures
Implementation of passive smoking measures

*1: “Po-Ke-Te-Na-Shi” (Pocket-Phone-Handrail-Shortcut-Pointing) is a general term indicating precautions to protect workers from being involved in an accident while walking around the workplace and to reduce operational errors by conducting pointing and calling in practical operations, for example, “Do not walk with hands in pockets,” “Do not use your cell phone while walking,” “Make sure to hold the handrail while ascending or descending stairs,” “Avoid crossing at an angle (shortcut),” and “Never fail to conduct pointing and calling at the points specified for this practice.”