Sustainability Data(Non-Financial Information)

Environmental Management

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Acquisition rate of ISO14001 Niterra Group 93 93 93 96 95

[Calculation method] Percentage of employees working at ISO14001-certified sites

Environmental Accounting

<Economic benefits associated with environmental conservation activities>

Area of recognized effect Unit Scope of tabulation 2022 2023
Revenue Revenue generated from the recycling of waste generated in operations or used products million yen Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan
(with multi-site certification)
769.8 5,276.0
Cost saving Energy cost saving achieved from energy conservation efforts million yen 134.2 175.1
Reduction of water expenses through water saving million yen 3.4 1.9
Waste disposal cost saving achieved by resource conservation and recycling efforts million yen 40.3 6.2
Total 947.7 5,459.2

<Quantity of environmental conservation benefits>

Effect measured in the business area Types of effect Unit Scope of tabulation 2022 2023 Difference from the previous fiscal year
Effect measured with respect to resource input into operations Energy consumption Purchased electricity GWh Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan
(with multi-site certification)
33,351 30,817 -2,535
Gas million ㎥ 1,115 1,054 -61
LPG tons 5,929 4,927 -1,002
Water consumption Tap water 796,098 694,339 -101,759
Well water 370,205 349,755 -20,450
Amount of PRTR substances treated tons 856 741 -115
Effect measured with respect to environmental load and waste from business activities CO2 emission from energy consumption tons 158,182 137,769 -20,413
Waste Effectively used tons 10,851 9,882 -969
Not effectively used tons 47 156 109
Amount of PRTR substances released into air and water tons 223 86 -137

[Calculation method] Energy consumption. CO2 emission from energy consumption : Excluding the amount used for and CO2 emitted from the transportation activities

Environment Data

  Unit Scope of tabulation Eco Vision Standard Value (2018) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Management of Water Total water consumption 10,000㎥ Niterra Group 166 153 165 161 146
 Basic Unit 10,000㎥/Million yen Niterra Group 5.40 5.68 5.13 4.92 4.40 3.75
Total water discharge 10,000㎥ Niterra Group 166 153 165 161 146
Management of Waste Total waste generated tons Niterra Group 22,031 20,237 22,686 21,188 20,906
 Basic Unit Tons/Million yen Niterra Group 0.075 0.075 0.068 0.068 0.058 0.054
Effectively used tons Niterra Group 19,212 18,223 20,712 19,344 18,711
Not effectively used tons Niterra Group 2,662 2,014 1,974 1,843 2,196
Effective utilization rate Niterra Group 87.3 90.0 91.3 91.3 89.5
On-site inspection at waste disposal company facilities cases Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 82 57 39 63 42
Management of Chemical Substances Amount of PRTR substances treated tons Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 799.1 682.4 755.0 781.4 740.5
Amount of PRTR substances released tons Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 116.1 125.4 139.1 151.4 85.6
(Toluene) tons Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 105.2 114.5 129.3 143.7 83.5
(Xylene) tons Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 1.6 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.4
(Other) tons Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 9.4 9.8 8.8 6.7 1.8
Energy consumption Total energy consumption MWh Niterra Group 799,541 780,112 825,807 739,044 692,093
Total nonrenewable energy consumption MWh Niterra Group 799,263 779,822 823,783 674,410 599,023
(Fuels) MWh Niterra Group 339,823 326,302 338,530 275,900 249,415
(Electricity) MWh Niterra Group 459,440 453,520 485,252 398,510 349,608
Total renewable energy generation MWh Niterra Group 278 290 2,024 64,634 93,070
Purchased electricity MWh Niterra Group 0 0 0 62,144 84,520
Generated electricity MWh Niterra Group 278 290 2,024 2,490 8,549
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1,2) Total direct GHG emissions [Scope 1] 10,000 tons-CO2 Niterra Group 6.96 6.47 6.21 6.44 5.29 4.80
Total indirect GHG emissions [Scope 2] 10,000 tons-CO2 Niterra Group 21.0 21.1 19.5 20.1 16.1 14.3
Scope 1+2 10,000 tons-CO2 Niterra Group 27.9 27.6 25.7 26.5 21.4 19.1
Reduction rate compared to FY2018 % Niterra Group -4.5 -11.1 -8.2 -26.0 -31.7
Basic Unit tons-CO2/Million yen Niterra Group 0.94 0.86 0.79 0.59 0.49

[Calculation method]
Scope 1 : Calculated by using the global warming potential as provided for in the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
Scope 2 : Calculated by using the emission factor as provided by each electric power company in Japan, while in other countries calculated by using the emission factor of each country by the IEA.

<Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3)>

  Unit Scope of tabulation Eco Vision Standard Value (2018) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1. Purchased goods and services 10,000 tons-CO2 Niterra Group 115.3 122.01 169.03 197.48 179.00
2.Capital goods 19.6 11.08 11.49 7.86 9.25
3.Fuel- and energy-related emissions not included in scope 1 or scope 2 4.3 4.29 4.60 4.34 4.13
4.Upstream transportation and distribution 16.6 12.86 15.03 8.75 6.14
5.Waste generated in operations 0.6 0.71 0.77 0.78 0.91
6.Business travel 0.2 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21
7.Employee commuting 2.0 2.10 1.47 1.46 1.45
8.Upstream leased assets 0
9.Downstream transportation and distribution
10.Processing of sold products
11.Use of sold products 970.32 878.07 939.95 909.10 749.36
12.End-of-life treatment of sold products 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06
13.Downstream leased assets 0
14. Franchises 0
15.Investments 0
Total 1,128.9 1,031 1,143 1,130 951

[Calculation method]

1:Calculated by multiplying the figures shown in the material balance sheet by the relevant values retrieved from the database of emissions unit values built for the calculation of organizations’ greenhouse gas emissions across their supply chains

2:Calculated by multiplying the cost of acquiring tangible fixed assets (shown in the financial statements) by the relevant value retrieved from the database of emissions unit values built for the calculation of organizations’ greenhouse gas emissions across their supply chains

3:For power consumption, calculated by multiplying the amount used by the relevant value retrieved from the database of emissions unit values built for the calculation of organizations’ greenhouse gas emissions across their supply chains. For gases, etc., calculated by multiplying the amount used with the relevant value retrieved from the IDEA LCA database.

4:Extracted from the data notified (for products) by shippers specified under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use

5:Calculated by totaling CO2 emissions from the transportation of the company’s waste (extracted from the data notified (for waste) by shippers specified under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and CO2 emissions from the treatment of waste (calculated by multiplying the cost of waste treatment (for fiscal years up to fiscal 2018) or the amount of waste treated (for after fiscal 2019) by the relevant value retrieved from the IDEA LCA database)

6:Calculated by multiplying the number of employees by the relevant value retrieved from the database of emissions unit values built for the calculation of organizations’ greenhouse gas emissions across their supply chains

7:Calculated by multiplying the result of multiplying the number of employees by the number of their working days by the relevant value retrieved from the database of emissions unit values built for the calculation of organizations’ greenhouse gas emissions across their supply chains

11:Calculated by multiplying the amount of CO2 emissions per one ton of products calculated by using the Japan Auto Parts Industries Association’s LCA tool by the weight of shipped products

12:Calculated by multiplying the weight of shipped products by the relevant value retrieved from the IDEA LCA database

15:Calculated by multiplying the amount of CO2 emitted by the five companies that are ranked in the top five in terms of the monetary value of the stocks owned by Niterra by the stockholding ratio

  • "0" is indicated for non-applicable items, and "ー" is indicated for difficult-to-calculate items.

<Proportion by region in FY2023>

    Unit Japan Asia North America South America Europe Africa
Water Consumption 10,000 ㎥ 109 23 2 11 1 0
% 74.7 15.9 1.3 7.5 0.4 0.1
Emissions 10,000 ㎥ 109 23 2 11 1 0
% 74.7 15.9 1.3 7.5 0.4 0.1
Waste Emissions t 11012 2796 2198 2619 488 58
% 57.4 14.6 11.5 13.7 2.5 0.3
Greenhouse gas Emissions 10,000 tons-CO2 15.0 2.4 0.9 0.7 0.1 0.1
% 78.7 12.3 4.6 3.5 0.4 0.5

<Waste plastic emissions from domestic group companies>

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2022
Waste plastic emissions t Niterra Co., Ltd. 51.3
SparkTec WKS CO., LTD. 50.1
NTK Medical CO., LTD. 2.8

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Environment-related violations cases Niterra Group 3 2 2 2 0
Environment-related fine yen Niterra Group 0 0 0 1 0
Environment-related complaints cases Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 1
*Not include overseas group companies
*Not include overseas group companies
4 1 1

Providing Environmentally Friendly Products

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sales ratio of precious metal plugs* Niterra Group 39 41 40 43 47
Sales ratio of wide range oxygen sensor* Niterra Group 34 37 37 39 40
  • “Precious metal plug” and “wide range oxygen sensor” are types of environmentally friendly products and are selected as priority issues.
    We aim to increase each of the “sales ratio of precious metal plugs” and the “sales ratio of wide range oxygen sensor” to not less than 50%

Global Human Resource Management

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees* as of March 31 people Niterra Group 16,430
* Adopted IFRS for fiscal
* Adopted IFRS for fiscal
* Adopted IFRS for fiscal
* Adopted IFRS for fiscal
* Adopted IFRS for fiscal
people Niterra Co., Ltd. 5,883 5,891 3,617 3,554 3,431
Number of temporary employees* as of March 31 people Niterra Co., Ltd. 649 473 108 121 131
Average age* as of March 31 Men years Niterra Co., Ltd. 39.7 41.5 41.5 41.4 42.1
Women years Niterra Co., Ltd. 37.6 38.7 39.6 39.5 40.0
Total years Niterra Co., Ltd. 39.3 41.0 41.0 41.1 41.8
Average length of service Men years Niterra Co., Ltd. 17.1 17.8 16.7 19.8 17.8
Women years Niterra Co., Ltd. 16.4 17.2 16.9 17.3 17.1
Total years Niterra Co., Ltd. 16.9 17.7 16.7 19.3 17.7
Average annual salary yen Niterra Co., Ltd. 6,759,462 6,362,393 6,725,908 6,896,899 7,529,538
yen Niterra Co., Ltd.
(Regular employees excluding those on leave)
7,228,578 6,781,248 7,402,134 7,631,714 8,313,518
yen Niterra Co., Ltd.
(Regular employees excluding limited-area employees, employees working shorter hours, and employees on leave)
7,692,547 7,152,791 7,737,761 7,990,375 8,940,448
Turnover rate Total employee turnover rate Niterra Co., Ltd. 3.12 3.59 4.71 6.27 4.26
Voluntary employee turnover rate Niterra Co., Ltd. 1.90 2.12 3.51 3.29 2.97
New graduate hiring Men people Niterra Co., Ltd. 101 84 40 21 29
Women people Niterra Co., Ltd. 27 26 21 13 14
Total people Niterra Co., Ltd. 128 110 61 34 43
Foreign nationality people Niterra Co., Ltd. 5 5 6 2 1
Career hiring Men people Niterra Co., Ltd. 30 26 30 34 42
Women people Niterra Co., Ltd. 8 9 3 6 11
Total people Niterra Co., Ltd. 38 35 33 40 53
Foreign nationality people Niterra Co., Ltd. 1 0 0 0 2
Hired as a manager people Niterra Co., Ltd. 7 6 8 13 12
Employee engagement Response rate Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 90.9 88.0 87.6 92.6 96.3
Overall satisfaction (maximum 5 points) points Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 3.37 3.34 3.30 3.33 3.46

[Calculation method] Average age/No. of years of service : Calculated based on the number of regular employees as of March 31

Average annual salary Including bonuses and extra wages

Total employee turnover rate : Calculated based on the number of employees who retired / quit the company

Voluntary employee turnover rate : Calculated based on the number of employees who quit the company for personal reasons

Human Resource Development

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Average hours of training hours Niterra Co., Ltd.
and Groups in Japan
9 3 4 11 12
Average amount spent on training yen Niterra Co., Ltd.
and Groups in Japan
18,321 8,324 10,809 14,641 22,378

[Calculation method] Calculated for the training (level-specific, global, etc.) provided by the Strategic Human Resources Department


  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Regular employees* As of March 31 Men people Niterra Co., Ltd. 4,784 4,734 3,017 2,947 2,832
Women people Niterra Co., Ltd. 1,045 1,057 600 607 599
Percentage of women Niterra Co., Ltd. 17.9 18.3 16.6 17.1 17.5
Managers* As of April 1 Men people Niterra Co., Ltd. 963 978 780 672 713
Women people Niterra Co., Ltd. 18 26 26 35 41
Percentage of women Niterra Co., Ltd. 1.83 2.60 3.23 4.95 5.44
Ratio of women, foreign nationals and career recruits in managerial positions* Niterra Co., Ltd. 13.6 14.5 17.0 20.0 24.9
Supervisors* As of April 1 Men people Niterra Co., Ltd. 1,221 1,264 1,024 968 955
Women people Niterra Co., Ltd. 37 39 47 48 58
Percentage of women Niterra Co., Ltd. 2.94 2.99 4.39 4.72 5.73
Generalists(Classified, Considered)* As of April 1 Men people Niterra Co., Ltd. 3,305 3,202 1,383 1,209 1,050
Women people Niterra Co., Ltd. 601 612 255 217 247
Percentage of women Niterra Co., Ltd. 15.4 16.0 15.6 15.2 19.0
Percentage of disabled employees* As of March 31 Niterra Co., Ltd.,
2.25 2.46 2.36 2.59 2.75
Employee age group* As of March 31 Under 30 years old Niterra Co., Ltd. 22 17 17 16 14
30 to 50 years old Niterra Co., Ltd. 60 62 61 59 60
50 years and over Niterra Co., Ltd. 18 21 22 25 26
Reemployed* As of March 31 people Niterra Co., Ltd. 190 208 132 120 149

[Calculation method]
Regular employees : Including employees temporarily transferred to Group companies
Manager,Supervisor,Generalist : Including employees temporarily transferred to Group companies
Percentage of Disabled Employees : Including employees temporarily transferred to Group companies and the special subsidiary in Japan

Reemployed : Including employees temporarily transferred to Group companies
Employee age group: Including employees temporarily transferred to Group companies

  • We aim to increase the “ratio of women, foreign nationals and career recruits in managerial positions” to 25% in fiscal 2030.

<Percentage of women by level>

Unit Scope of tabulation 2023
* As of April 1
Niterra Co., Ltd. 36.4
Excutive officers and Corporate officers
* As of April 1
Niterra Co., Ltd. 3.57
All Managers
* As of April 1
Niterra Co., Ltd. 5.44
Senior Managers
* As of April 1
Niterra Co., Ltd. 3.03
* As of April 1
Niterra Co., Ltd. 5.73

<FY2024 Gender wage gap at domestic group companies>

  Unit Scope of tabulation Gender wage gap of regular workers Gender wage gap of non-regular workers Gender wage gap of all workers
Gender wage gap % Niterra Co., Ltd. 67.0 81.9 68.4
SparkTec WKS CO., LTD. 74.6 103.3 75.8
NTK CERATEC CO., LTD. 69.7 62.1 64.9
NTK CERAMIC CO., LTD. 55.4 76.8 47.8

*1:Wages include all payments made by employers to their employees as remuneration for labor. Retirement allowance and commuting allowance are excluded.

*2:With respect to regular workers, secondees are included in the companies from which they are seconded and are paid.

*3:Non-regular workers include post-retirement rehires, part-timers, contract employees, and temporary workers, and exclude dispatched workers. workers are included, whereas dispatched workers are excluded. There is no consistency in the numbers, as companies have different employment forms and the percentages vary. For instance, the Company employs medical professionals who are included in contract workers and the pay gap is 119.2%. Except for contract workers, the gap would be 85.8%.

*4:Of the Company and its domestic consolidated companies, presented above are those that are disclosed under the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.

*5:"ー" indicates that there are no female non-regular workers.

Work-life Balance

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Maternity/ Child care Employees who took maternity leave people Niterra Co., Ltd. 47 47 30 23 26
Employees who took child care leave(Men) people Niterra Co., Ltd. 5 13 24 55 69
Employees who took child care leave(Women) people Niterra Co., Ltd. 53 36 35 25 24
Percentage of employees who returned to work after taking child care leave Niterra Co., Ltd. 96 94 94 98 100
Users of the short working hour system for child care people Niterra Co., Ltd. 30 41 23 26 17
Long-term nursing care leave Employees who took nursing care leave people Niterra Co., Ltd. 3 1 2 2 1
Users of the short working hour system for nursing care people Niterra Co., Ltd. 1 1 1 1 0
Users of the short working hour system for other reasons (not childcare/nursing care) people Niterra Co., Ltd. 0 2 4 4 3
Working hours Prescribed working hours hours/year and person Niterra Co., Ltd. 1,899 1,899 1,899 1,899 1,899
Actual working hours hours/year and person Niterra Co., Ltd. 1,982 1,884 1,955 1,834 1,848
Average overtime working hours hours/month Niterra Co., Ltd. 19 8 11 15 15
Paid holidays Paid holidays granted to employees day(s) Niterra Co., Ltd. 19.5 19.6 19.5 19.5
Paid holidays taken by employees day(s) Niterra Co., Ltd. 16.7 14.0 15.0 15.0
Rate of usage Niterra Co., Ltd. 85.6 71.2 75.6 76.8
Niterra Group labor union participation rate* Number of employees as of March 31 Niterra Co., Ltd., SparkTec WKS CO., LTD., NANSEI CERAMIC CO., LTD., NTK CERATEC CO., LTD. (Komaki), NTK Medical CO., LTD. NTK CUTTING TOOLS CO., LTD 92 92 94 98 100

[Calculation method]

Working hours:Excluding managers, employees temporarily transferred to Group companies and those on leave

Paid holidays:Calculated for a fiscal year from October to next September (example : fiscal 2019 was started in October 2019 and ended in September 2020), excluding managers, employees temporarily transferred to Group companies and those on leave

Employees who took child care leave : Number of employees whose child care leave started in the fiscal year

Percentage of employees who returned to work after taking child care leave : Percentage of employees who returned to work among those whose child care leave period expired in the fiscal year

Users of the short working hour system for child care : Number of employees who became users of the system in the fiscal year

Employees who took nursing care leave : Number of employees whose nursing care leave started in the fiscal year

Users of the short working hour system for nursing care : Number of employees who became users of the system in the fiscal year

<Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave at Group companies in Japan>

  Unit Scope of tabulation (*2) 2022 2023
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave % Niterra Co., Ltd. 52 60
SparkTec WKS CO., LTD. 34 45
NANSEI CERAMIC CO., LTD. ー (*1) ー (*1)

*1:Not listed as there is no man whose spouse gave birth.

*2:The subject companies are domestic consolidated subsidiaries with 101 or more full-time employees.the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life

[Calculation method]

Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave(%)=(Number of men who took childcare leave)÷(Number of men whose spouse gave birth)×100

Occupational Health and Safety

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Acquisition rate of ISO45001 Niterra Group 48.4 72.2 88.2

[Calculation method] Percentage of employees working at ISO45001-certified sites

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total accident frequency rate Niterra Co., Ltd.
(Including temporary employees)
0.77 0.93 0.90 0.42 0.69
Group companies in Japan 2.24 2.83
Frequency rate of accidents requiring leave from work Total Niterra Co., Ltd. 0.00 0.34 0.13 0.00 0.14
Employees Niterra Co., Ltd. 0.00 0.27 0.13 0.00 0.14
Temporary employees Niterra Co., Ltd. 0.00 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.00
Frequency rate of occupational diseases Niterra Co., Ltd.
(Including temporary employees)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

[Calculation method]

Total accident frequency rate : Total number of victims per 1million working hours

Total accident frequency rate=Number of victims of all occupational accidents÷Total working hours×1million hours

Frequency rate of accidents requiring leave from work : Number of victims who took leave per 1million working hours

Frequency rate of accidents requiring leave from work=Number of victims of accidents requiring leave from work÷Total working hours×1million hours

Frequency rate of occupational diseases : Number of employees who took leave due to occupational diseases per 1million working hours

Frequency rate of occupational diseases=Number of employees who took leave due to occupational diseases*÷Total working hours×1million hours

  • Occupational disease refers to heatstroke, backache, chemical poisoning, and other occupational diseases defined by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

<Number of Occupational Accidents>

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lost Time Incidents cases Niterra Co., Ltd. 0 4 1 0 1
Groups Companies in Japan 3 6 7 12 12
Overseas Group Companies 24 8 8
No Lost Time Incidents cases Niterra Co., Ltd. 10 7 6 3 4
Groups Companies in Japan 10 11 10 15 17
Overseas Group Companies 8 6 4

<Number of work-related fatalities>

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of fatalities Employees people Niterra Group 0 0 0 0 0
Contractors people 0 0 0 0 0

<Number of participants in Health and safety related education>

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2022 2023
Stratified training participant Health and safety training for third-year employees people Niterra Co., Ltd. and Group companies in Japan 295 140
Health and safety training for tenth-year employees 240 145
Health and safety training for chiefs 110 220
Health and safety training for new managers 70 72
Specialized training participant Chemical education for workers 73 128
Chemical education for managers 86 130
Total 874 835

Product Quality

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of vehicles recalled vehicles Niterra Group 0 0 0 0 0
Expenses incurred due to recalls issued in the corresponding fiscal year yen 0 0 0 0 0
Number of vehicles recalled that were Mandated vehicles 0 0 0 0 0
Cost of recalls as a percentage of annual revenues 0 0 0 0 0

Social Contribution Activities

Type of contribution Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cash contributions million yen Niterra Group 394.6 496.1 464.8 476.7 967.1
Time: employee volunteering during paid working hours 7.6 8.4 10.6 38.1 20.1
In-kind giving: product or services donations, projects / partnerships or similar 51.3 1.3 11.3 65.6 4.0
Management overheads 29.7 0.03 0.01 7.11 0.00
Total 483.2 505.8 486.7 587.6 991.2

Communication with Stakeholders

Stakeholder Communication Major activities Frequency & no. of articipants per year
2021 2022 2023
Shareholders and investors We disclose information in compliance with the law and also disclose information promptly via the media and at our website. ●Organization of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders June June June
●Dialogue with institutional investors and securities analysts 258 times 235 times* 279times*
●Financial results briefing for institutional investors and securities analysts 2 times 2 times 2 times
●Conference call for institutional investors and securities analysts 4 times
(A total of 288 people)
4 times
(A total of 310 people)
4 times
(A total of 402 people)
●Organization of briefings on our technologies for institutional investors and securities analysts 1 time 2 times 1 time
●Organization of ESG briefings 1 time 1time
●Organization of online briefings on the company for personal investors 2 times
(A total of 1,720 people)
1 times
(A total of 724 people)
2 times
(A total of 2,260 people)
●Dispatch of company information and financial information through SNS for personal investors 6 time 5 times
●Publication of the newsletters for shareholders 1 time 1 time 1 time
●Publication of an annual integrated report Oct. Sep. Sep.
●Provision of information via the website From time to time
Customers We offer information meaningful to customers at our website and through exhibitions so that they can purchase and use our products and services with peace of mind. ●Communication through sales activities From time to time
●Provision of information via the website (on products, events, etc.) From time to time
●Explanation about products and technologies at exhibitions From time to time
●Communication at venues of events, such as racing events From time to time
Suppliers We are working to build relationships of trust with suppliers as their sound partners and achieve growth together. To this end we conduct activities across the supply chain, such as holding briefing sessions on our corporate policies. ●Communication through daily procurement activities From time to time
●Organization of briefings on the corporate principles June May May
●Organization of seminars on practical issues 7 seminars 7 seminars 11 seminars
Local communities We respect the local culture and customs at each of our bases located across the world and work for smooth communication with local communities. We also participate in various social contribution activities to help create a comfortable society as a corporate citizen. ●Communication through social meetings and events From time to time
●Participation in local events such as festivals From time to time
●Local cleanup activity From time to time at each plant
(A total of 558 people)
From time to time at each plant
(A total of 459 people)
From time to time at each plant
(A total of 511 people)
●Environment-related plant tours From time to time at each plant
(A total of 324 people)
From time to time at each plant
(A total of 188 people)
From time to time at each plant
(A total of 589 people)
●Environmental meetings From time to time at each plant
(A total of 7 people)
From time to time at each plant
(A total of 5 people)
From time to time at each plant
(A total of 20 people)
●Communication through cultural and sport events
  • NGK SPARK PLUG Suzuka 2&4 Race
Apr. Apr. Apr.
  • NGK SPARK PLUG FC Gifu football class for children
Oct. Sep. Dec.
  • Musical for families held in the NTK Hall
Dec. Dec. Dec.
  • Marathon Festival Nagoya Aichi
Mar. Mar. Mar.
●Provision of information via the website (environmental information, etc.) From time to time
Employees To maintain safe and sound workplaces and help employees work with vigor, the management team proactively visits work sites to have dialogues with on-site employees. ●Communication through daily operations and at workplaces From time to time
●Publication of an in-house magazine Booklet:2 times
Website: from time to time
Website : from time to time Website : from time to time
●Organization of various labor-management meetings From time to time
●Utilization of the corporate ethics helpline (for employees) 32 calls received 97 calls received 111 calls received
●Organization of various training sessions From time to time
●Employee satisfaction survey All employees, from Oct. to Nov. All employees, from Oct. to Nov. All employees,
from Oct. to Nov.
  • Details of individual interviews with institutional investors and securities analysts in FY2022

【Each dialogue partner】

Dialogue partner Number of times
Securities analysts 63 times
Domestic institutional investors 129 times
Foreign institutional investors 87 times
Total 279 times

【Each responder】

Responder Number of times
President 43 times
Board member 12 times
Sustainability division 1 times
IR division 223 times
Total 279 times

Corporate Governance

<Board of Directors and Board of Auditors>

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Directors Men people Niterra Co., Ltd. 10 10 7 7 7
Women people 1 1 4 4 4
Percentage of women 9 9 36 36 36
Outside directors (independent officers) people 4 4 7 7 7
Percentage of outside directors* 36 36 64 64 64
Percentage of female and non-Japanese directors* 18 18 45 45 36
Average tenure years 4.8 5.8 5.4 5.5 4.8
Audit Committee members * Men people 2 2 2
Women people 2 2 2
Percentage of women 50 50 50
Outside directors (independent officers) people 3 3 3
Board of directors Frequency times 12 12 12 13
Average attendance rate 99 100 99 97
  • We aim to increase the rate of outside directors and the percentage of female and non-Japanese directors to at least one-third and 30% of the total number of directors, respectively, by fiscal 2030.
  • We transitioned into a Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee in fiscal year 2022.

<Remuneration and bonus paid to directors in fiscal 2023>

  Total remuneration
(million yen)
Total remuneration by type
(million yen)
Number of recipients
Fixed remuneration Bonus Performance-linked,stock-based remuneration
(excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)
473 296 131 44 8
(Outside directors) (62) (62) (ー) (ー) (5)
Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members 93 93 4
(Outside directors) (46) (46) -3

*1 The following limits are set on the remuneration paid to directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members) according to the resolution made at the 122th general meeting of shareholders held on June 24, 2012.

Total amount of remuneration (excluding bonus):
60 million yen or below per month
(Of which, the monthly amount for outside directors is 13 million yen or below)
Total amount of bonus:
180 million yen or below per year

According to the resolution made at the 122th general meeting of shareholders, a performance-linked stock remuneration system is to be implemented for four fiscal years from FY2020, targeting the company’s directors and corporate officers, with the upper limit on the total payment amount set at 1,000 million yen.

*2 The following limits are set on remuneration paid to Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members according to the resolution made at the 122th general meeting of shareholders held on June 24, 2022.

Total amount of remuneration (excluding bonus):
10 million yen or below per month
Total amount of bonus:
10 million yen or below per year

The following limits are set on remuneration paid to Audit and Supervisory Board members according to the resolution made at the 106th general meeting of shareholders held on June 29, 2006.

Total amount of remuneration (excluding bonus):
10 million yen or below per month
Total amount of bonus:
10 million yen or below per year

*3 “Bonus” corresponds to “performance-linked remuneration, etc.”, and “performance-linked, stock-based remuneration, etc.” corresponds to “performance-linked remuneration, etc.” and “non-monetary remuneration, etc.” The total amount of “bonuses” and “performance-linked, stock-based remuneration” shown in the table was recorded as an expense for FY2022.


<In-house Reporting System>

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Consultation requests/ reports made internally cases Niterra Co., Ltd. and Groups in Japan 80 63 32 97 111

[Calculation method] Number of cases of consultation requests/reports received through the Corporate Ethics Helpline


  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Violations of laws related to anti-corruption cases Niterra Group 0 0 0 0 0

<Political Donation>

  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Political organizations cases Niterra Co., Ltd. 0 0 0 0 0
yen 0 0 0 0 0
Lobbyists or lobbying organizations cases 0 0 0 0 0
yen 0 0 0 0 0
Trade associations cases 0 0 0 0 0
yen 0 0 0 0 0

 Appropriate Tax Payment

<FY2022 Taxes Paid per Country>

(Unit: Billions of yen)

Country of residence, etc. Income amount Income (loss) before income taxes Amount of tax due Taxes incurred Number of employees (people)
Japan 5,802 509 241 163 8,853
United States 1,587 -1 25 -39 2,168
Germany 1,182 61 17 20 510
China 729 52 12 13 797
Other 2,150 202 30 51 4,070
Total 11,449 823 325 208 16,399
  • Income Net sales (including intragroup) and non-operating income (excluding intragroup dividend income).
  • Amount of tax due:Income taxes paid for the year ended March 31, 2023
  • Taxes incurred:Income taxes recognized in the statement of income for the year ended March 31, 2023 (excluding income tax adjustments recognized in tax effect accounting)
  • Number of employees :Number of employees: as of March 31, 2023


  Unit Scope of tabulation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
R&D expenses millions of yen Niterra Group 28,315 26,115 23,685 27,887 27,848
Ratio of R&D 6.64 6.11 4.82 4.96 4.53

[Calculation method] Including expenses for improving existing products and for applied research as well as the development cost recognized as the cost of an intangible asset